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Facebook App-3.0

Facebook App-3.0

Facebook-3.0 : Facebook is a very popular social networking web around of the world.We are all fameliar with facebook for our PC and on some others mobile devices. The social networking site (Facebook) service used millions of people. Recently, released a new  facebook-3.0 app by facebook for the iPhone and iPod Touch which delivers the pinnacle in facebook mobile social networking.
Facebook has updated its to give more importance on iPhone app with ‘various bug fixes’ and ‘improved security’The app 3.0 has all the features of facebook like a normal computer with the exception of mp3 music and video add ons. There including various features to makes easy use facebook, the included features are- friend lists, news feed, photos, tagging, notes, events, and much more.

New added to this version (facebook-3.0) of the app is the chat feature allows to chat with any friend which logged into facebook and a special feature added for the iPhone that is the call feature. It allows you to call or text a friend with the iPhone if they have their number your list. You can also search for friends on the go as you want.


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